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Emblem for Big Moon Dig, Games

The Big Moon Dig

Doing Business

To prosper we must treat our enterprise as a business.

Big Moon Dig Business Plan Canvas in jpg

Big Moon Dig Business Plan Canvas in jpg

  1. Business Canvas

    The first big game will need to be developed as a business. Here are the early steps:

    1. Big Moon Dig Business Plan Canvas, docx -- Latest details in Word docx document.
    2. Big Moon Dig Business Plan Canvas, pdf -- Latest details in Word pdf document.
  2. Singularity University Incubator Lab

    The Singularity University has put out a call for world changing ideas for their new startup incubator lab. Here is the Big Moon Dig Entry:

    1. Big Moon Dig Application -- As sent in as a .pdf document.
    2. Big Moon Dig Ten Slides -- Ten quick slides as sent in as a .pdf document.
  3. Please Join our Mailing List

    If you would like to be kept abreast of progress on the Big Moon Dig, or have any input, please complete our little form, or simply e-mail us.

    Tom Riley photograph
    Thanks, Tom Riley
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